Published by Down & Out Books on June 16, 2018
Source: Purchased
Genres: Anthology, Mystery, Short Story
Pages: 228
Format: Paperback
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The Origins Game Fair is proud and pleased to present Mystery!, our 2018 fiction anthology. The collection features stories by authors in the convention's Library program.
This collection brings together fourteen tales of mystery set across genres, in a legion of times and places. Each author has provided a story which will give you an excellent opportunity to sample their skill and imagination.
The Origins Game Fair in Columbus is something we like to do every year, but this year we didn’t make it due to my new job. I did have a friend who was nice enough to pick up this year’s anthology – with the Mystery theme, I didn’t want to miss is. He also got several of the writers to autograph it.
Mystery!, like most anthologies, is a bit uneven. Some stories were excellent, some fine, and one didn’t fit at all. There were 14 stories in all, but I’ll only mention a few that struck me.
“The Abomination of Fensmere” by Lucy A. Snyder was the first story in the collection, but it felt more horror with a Lovecraftian bent than mystery. I don’t think it was the best way to start.
Timothy Zahn’s “(Ms.) Taken Identity” was good, both the mystery plot and the world he created where doppels are people who can look like anyone they want, until they’re dead, then they look like a blend of “movie mummy and human-shaped naked mole rat.” I’ve never read any of Zahn’s books, but I should add him to my list.
I loved Bryan Young’s “The Name of the Saints.” I was hoping he had a book set in the same universe, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. He should. I loved Sister Agatha, a fully ordained shield maiden with a glowing sword and the world where some are trying to convert orcs while others are still afraid of them.
“Loc and Wat” by Gregory A. Wilson was set in a fantasy type world. I like the solution, it was good. A little too clever, but not predictable for a short story. I’ve put his Grayshade on my TBR list.
Overall it’s a good collection. We get a variety of mysteries, mostly set in fantasy or sci-fi worlds, which is are blends I tend to enjoy. I’m not sure what the 2019 Origins theme will be yet, but I’ll probably pick up the anthology
It sounds as though it’s a fantastic anthology! The Game Fair sounds like fun, too!
It’s always fun. There are tons of vendors and most have games set up so you can get a feel for how they play.