Week’s Highlight:

It’s not much of a highlight, but it took most of Saturday and Sunday afternoon. I organized our board games and set aside two piles, one to take to my mom’s and one to donate.


Thursday was Valentine’s Day. We stayed home and had my favorite pizza for dinner and played a board game. We did go out for dinner on Friday to my favorite Italian place.


We watched The Girl in the Spider’s Web on demand last night. It was fine. Lisbeth Salander is tasked by a former NSA employee to find his highly dangerous program, Firewall. It gives its user access to all of the world’s nuclear codes, and Balder is worried about that power falling into the wrong hands. Lisbeth downloads Firewall by hacking into the NSA’s servers and plans on giving it back to Balder, so he can destroy it. Of course, it all runs amok. It’s dark and cold. I enjoyed it, but didn’t love it.


So this week’s chapters in Don Quixote were mostly the stories of the people they meet on their adventures. I tend to enjoy those than their actual adventures.

Finished this week but haven’t reviewed yet:

  • Something Fresh by P. G. Wodehouse yesterday.

Currently reading (aside from Don Quixote):

  • The Library Book by Susan Orlean (audio)
  • The Stranger Diaries by Elly Griffiths (eARC)

I posted a couple reviews this week:


We finally pulled Alchemists off our board game shelf of shame (it’s kind of like a tbr pile). It’s a fun game. You have to deduce what ingredients will make which potions, publish theories and buy artifacts. We didn’t play the whole game, because we ran out of time.

We also played Blood Rage and realized the last few times we’ve played we’ve messed a couple of major rules. It’s a good game, one of the few with miniatures that we play.

When we learn a game, I like to play it again within the next couple of weeks if possible to kind of reinforce the rules. Hopefully, we’ll get both of these back to the table soon.

Looking forward to:

Summer – I’m looking forward to summer.

(For more information about The Sunday Salon, visit the Facebook group.)


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