I am an unapologetic series reader. Mysteries of course, vintage and contemporary, but also sci-fi, fantasy, and even the occasional romance. The two books I’m in the middle of right now, listed on my sidebar, are both parts of mysteries. So, when I saw Michelle and Berls’ Can You Read a Series in a Month? Challenge at Because Reading Is Better than Real Life, I had to join in.

The challenge is to pick 1 series, and then read EVERY book in that series during May. To count as a series, there needs to be at least 3 published books, so trilogies work. If the series isn’t complete yet, as long as the first 3 books have been published it counts. The hashtag is #SeriesinaMonth.

Wanna join in? Sign up here.

The hard part is picking which series. I was thinking about Rachel Howzell Hall’s Detective Elouise Norton series, but buying all 4 would be a bit expensive and the wait time at the library is too long. I thought about Remembrance of Earth’s Past by Liu Cixin, but they are on the longer side and Sci-Fi Summer takes place in June.

I’m choosing Vivien Chen’s Noodle Shop Mysteries. I already have the first one on my Kindle. Numbers 1-3 are out now, the 4th doesn’t come out until August. Maybe I’ll even pair my reviews with dishes from our local Chinese restaurants.

  • Death by Dumpling – finished 5/20/2019 (review)
  • Dim Sum of All Fears – finished 5/23/2019 (review)
  • Murder Lo Mein – finished 5/31/2019 (review coming soon)

And I did it! I finished all three in the month of May, although the review for the last will probably be up in June.


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