Thanks to Deb at Readerbuzz for hosting The Sunday Salon. Stop over there or at the Facebook Group to participate.
Week’s Highlight:
Amber and I went to the Carnegie Natural History/Art Museum on Monday. We had a nice day. On the way up we stopped and had lunch with David and saw their new offices (which I didn’t get any photos of.)

I finished Orlando for my Classics Club Spin. Hopefully, I’ll have my thoughts up later today.
Readathin starts February 1st. This is the first time I’ll be participating, but the goal is to Thin Your TBR. There are book prompts and a photo challenge.
This week’s posts:
We played Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates! for the first time the other night. It will probably end up being called Pirate Race. You’re all trying to get to the Spanish Fleet in Trinidad, but also want to stop and pick up treasure and rescue or kidnap pirates along the way. It plays up to 6 people and is pretty light-hearted. Of course, I may have liked it because I won.

Looking forward to:
There’s nothing really on the calendar for the near future. We take Amber back to college next Sunday.
It has been a routine week in this part of the world, other than for extreme heat. I’ve been reading and yesterday managed to do some of the reviews I’ve been putting off
Extreme heat doesn’t sound so nice. I could do with a little warmer than we have now though.
Thanks for Joining in Readathin hope you have an amazing reading month!
I’m looking forward to it.
What wonderful photos of your museum visit. I especially like the shot from up high.
I wonder what you think of Orlando. Will you be recommending it to others? I guess we will find out soon.
Have a lovely week.
I’d recommend Orlando. I enjoyed it, but it did take me a while to get into. It’s beautifully written, but it’s definitely not plot-driven.
Looks like another fun game for Gage. I love that we can start playing more complicated board games as a family now that he’s older.
Family game nights are always fun.
I miss playing board games. My library is hosting a board game night this month that I might go to.
You should totally go!