Thanks to Deb at Readerbuzz for hosting The Sunday Salon. Stop over there or at the Facebook Group to participate.

Week’s Highlight:

David and I went to a Ohio Valley Cloak and Dagger on the Air performance. It was fun. The plays were all time travel based radio plays from the 30s and 40s. You can hear some of their performances on Soundcloud.

You can hear one of the plays they did, The Ineffable Essence of Nothing, here. It’s an older recording though, not from them.


I finished several books, but only posted one review. A couple are scheduled for later in the year and a couple still need written.

Last week’s post:


We watched The Good Liar earlier today. I really enjoyed it.

We’ve been trying to find a good tv series to watch. Any suggestions? We tried the first couple of episodes of Schitt’s Creek and the first of The Watchmen, but neither really struck us.

Looking forward to:

David and I are going to the Penguins game Tuesday. They haven’t been doing real great lately, but hopefully they win.


  • The Ohio Valley Cloak and Dagger On the Air performance sounds fascinating. I remember listening to a mystery theater on the radio every night before I fell asleep when I was a little girl. I loved it.

    I’m always on the lookout for good tv. I arrive late to the table, however, so everything we have enjoyed is probably something you have already seen. We spent a number of years getting through all the seasons (ten years or so) of How I Met Your Mother. Then we jumped on Downton Abbey. Lately we have been watching Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and Portlandia. Sometimes we look for Masterpiece Theater.

    Have a lovely week.

    • At the show, we were sitting by someone who told us about how much it reminded her of listening to the old radio shows too.
      I’ll have to check out a couple of your suggestions. I don’t think David would care for Downton Abbey, but maybe Comedians.

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