Thanks to Deb at Readerbuzz for hosting The Sunday Salon. Stop over there or at the Facebook Group to participate.

We’ve been staying at home as much as possible, like everyone else. David’s working from home and Amber’s classes have gone remote. I’m still going in to the office, but I’m the only one there. I could work at home, but I feel like I wouldn’t get much done that way.

Week’s Highlight:

Saturday we went over to a local lake. We didn’t see anyone else while we were there, but it was a gorgeous day to be outside.


I’ve had lots of time to read, both at home and at work. I’ll admit, though, that instead of tackling a chunkster classic, I’ve been reading mostly light cozies.

Last week’s post:


We haven’t actually been watching many movies or tv yet. I have been enjoying Pittsburgh Public Theater’s Playtime on Zoom on Thursday and Friday evenings. Last week’s reading was Ellen McLaughlin’s adaptation of Lysistrata, featuring Tamara Tunie. This week’s will be The Wake by Tammy Ryan.


Of course, we’ve been playing board games. We picked up In the Hall of the Moutain King, which is fun. You’re trolls rebuilding your abandoned kingdom under the mountain. With muscle and magic, you unearth riches, dig out collapsed tunnels, and carve out great halls as you raise the statues of your ancestors to their places of honor at the heart of the mountain. It has a cascading production system which is interesting. You start with a line of four trolls, and every troll shows the combination of resources — gold, stone, iron, marble, carts, runes, and hammers — that it produces. When a new troll is hired, place it above two other trolls, forming a “pyramid”. The new troll activates, gaining its resources, and any trolls beneath it also activate, gaining any resources that they have room to carry. As you hire more trolls, you gain bigger and bigger windfalls of resources as the end of the game nears.

We had a rule minorly wrong in the photo below, but we fixed it the next time we played.

Looking forward to:

Staying home. Washing my hands. Not touching my face.


  • The sunny outside picture looks glorious! We’ve played Clue and Phase 10, but I’m the only one in my family who really enjoys board games 🙂 Stay safe!

  • We’ve always been walkers and have found the gorgeous weather and confinement have a lot of other people walking too. It’s hard to stay inside all the time. Carl always struggled to be productive from home too. Stay safe!

  • The highlight of my day has been getting outside for our daily walk. I feel cleansed by the sun.

    I have been reading children’s books. I have a stack of grownup books from the library, but I can’t seem to get into them. So back to my children’s books I go.

    We played Yellowstone Monopoly last night. It was fun to lose ourselves in a mindless game in a beautiful location. I’d like to redesign the game so that it is less about money and more about reclaiming nature, though.

    Stay safe and take care.

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