Thanks to Deb at Readerbuzz for hosting The Sunday Salon. Stop over there or at the Facebook Group to participate.

It’s been pretty quiet around here. Not much choice really. I think Ohio might start re-opening some on May 1, but I’m not sure what that will look like or how/if it will change anything for me.

Week’s Highlight:

We cheated a little and went over to my mom’s for dinner. It was nice to hang out with her for a while and she made cream puffs, which I love.


I’ve had lots of time to read, both at home and at work. And I finished two books during the readathon Saturday.

Last week’s post:

I may have already finished my book for The Classics Club 23rd spin. I’ll post a review soon.

Looking ahead a bit. The Can You Read a Series in a Month? Challenge hosted by Michelle and Berls at Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life happens in May. Bout of Books 28 will be May 11-17, and SciFi Summer hosted by Michelle at Seasons of Reading takes place in June.


Nothing. Any suggestions?

Looking forward to:

Staying home. Washing my hands. Not touching my face. Maybe getting some ice cream.


  • I don’t know if that’s really cheating. I’m not clear if it’s okay to be around other people who’ve been isolated. It’s frustrating because there’s so much conflicting information and unknown out there. Have a great week.

    • I don’t know. But we all feel fine, none of us have had much contact with anyone and none of us are really in any of the vulnerable categories, except my mom is over 70, so I’m not going to worry to much about it.

  • It’s very difficult to know what to do about visiting with others. My dad and his wife miss people so much, but we won’t even be driving by until my cough is completely gone. I wish we knew more about what was true and what was not.

    It looks like I need to add these events to our calendar at the Classics Club. Thank you for sharing them.

    And you may already be finished with your spin book? Great!

    Have a good week and stay safe.

    • I hope your cough is gone soon. Sometimes they just seem to hang on.
      My mom lives by herself and has been mostly working from home. I think us coming over made her happy.

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