Dewey’s Reverse Readathon is starting now! I like this one because I can be awake at the beginning in end, which rarely happens in Spring or Fall. I’ll be posting updates here but probably more on Twitter and Instagram.
Opening Survey!
- What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Eastern Ohio as usual
- Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Everything on my list this year should be fun.
- Which snack are you most looking forward to? I didn’t really get anything unusual – pretzels, ice cream. Oreos. Tomorrow we’re going to a food truck festival for a late lunch.
- Tell us a little something about yourself! This is always the hardest question. I’m a mystery reader. I have two adorable, bratty dogs. (I also have a husband and adult daughter, but they are not as good reading buddies)
- What are your goals for this readathon? No goals really, just to spend as much reading as I want.
Half-Point Survey
- How many books have you been reading? Have you finished any? Are you on track with respect to your readathon goals so far? I’ve read parts of 4 books, and finished 1.
- Have you eaten real food today? (Not just junk food, ACTUAL HEALTHY FOOD) What was your favorite food or beverage so far? Nope, just snacks. My favorite food was the ice cream I had just before the readathon started.
- Are you growing sleepy? Do you plan to nap, or stop early, or are you extending the readathon hours to include sleep? I already slept and am doing this survey in the morning.
- 5 senses check-in- What are you seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling now? I’m outside with my morning coffee. So hearing birds, smelling and tasting my coffee, and seeing my dogs lazing around and all the plants, etc. in my backyard.
- How is your readathon going, overall? It’s going well so far.
Closing Survey
- How many books did you read during this readathon? Did you have any favorites? 4. I didn’t really have a favorite – I enjoyed them all.
- How many books did you finish? 3 – Well, I finished one at like 8:45 pm, so I’m still counting it.
- Did you accomplish your goals for this readathon? Yep, of course, I didn’t actually have any goals, so that helped.
- How did your snacks and meals work out? Are there things you would change about the food and beverages side of your readathon for next time? As always, I bought too many snacks, but that’s better than having too few.
- Did you enjoy this readathon? What was the most successful part of your readathon? What would you change for next time? I wouldn’t really change much, except maybe spending more time in the Goodreads discussions.
- Will you be continuing your readathon reading past the end of our official readathon? I already have, at least by a little.
Books finished:
- Mistletoe and Murder by Connie Berry
- The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks
- A Curious Incident by Vicki Delany