Book Blogger Appreciation Week Meme

My Friend Amy put together a short BBAW meme. Since this my first year joining in, I'm answering the questions for new participants. 1)  What has been one of the highlights of blogging for you? Just joining this great community of readers is the highlight for me. I had no clue when I started my blog how many wonderful people I would "meet" and I love sharing my thoughts on books with people who actually care. 2)  What blogger has helped you out with your blog by answering questions, linking to you, or inspiring you? Kathy, from Bermudaonion's Weblog, is so great at commenting. In the beginning, especially, it was nice to know that people were actually reading what I wrote. 3)  What one question do you have about BBAW that someone who participated last year could answer? I don't really know enough yet to think of any good questions. I may come back to this one....
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Book Blogger Appreciation Week, September 14-18

  Last year over 400 blogs came together to celebrate the art of book blogging during the first ever Book Blogger Appreciation Week! My blog didn't exist yet, so I didn't get to participate, but the second annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week will be taking place September 14-18. Count me in this time. Here are the details from the BBAW site. WHO Anyone who blogs about books is invited to participate.  In fact, we want everyone who blogs about books and reading to be a part of this week! WHAT A week where we come together,  celebrate the contribution and hard work of book bloggers in promoting a culture of literacy, connecting readers to books and authors, and recogonizing the best among us with the Second Annual BBAW Awards.  There will be special guest posts, daily blogging themes, and giveaways. WHEN September 14-18, 2009 WHERE Here at the new Book Blogger Appreciation Week Blog!  (Please note that this year there are three separate blogs and feeds—one for...
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