Game Night- Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs Imperium

I have to admit that I'm looking forward to the next expansion to Race for the Galaxy. Rio Grande Games is saying Rebel vs Imperium will be released in June. Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs Imperium Designer: Tom Lehmann Publisher: Rio Grande Games Players: 2-5 (1-6 with The Gathering Storm expansion) Year: 2009 Time: 60 minutes Ages: 12 and up As the Imperium crushes outlying systems, Rebel worlds begin to ally, politically and militarily. Meanwhile, the Uplift Code, within the genomes of the Alien Overlords' former servitor races, is being sequenced. Can you build the most prosperous and powerful space empire in a galaxy where border conflicts rage? Check out the designer's preview at Boardgamenews. Apparently the focus of the new expansion is "on new cards (with twice as many play cards as in the first expansion), new powers, and seven new 6-cost developments, which open up new strategies." I like the idea that there is going to be an option for takeovers of other players' military planets, under...
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Game Night- Looking Ahead

So, my husband and I and a few of our friends are already planning our trip to Columbus in June for the Origins Game Fair. It runs for five days, but we'll probably only go on the 27th and maybe the 28th. We went last year and had a blast playing and buying games. We're boardgamers, but they also have role-playing, live action events, seminars, etc. We'll be staying with my brother who's planning on having a party the night before, with food, drinks, and, of course, games. I'm looking forward to the whole weekend. Amber's decided not to come with us, although it is a kid-friendly event. Anybody else thinking of going? Day passes are only $3 a person and a one-day badge is $35....
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Game Night- Mag Blast

Mag Blast (Third Edition) Designers: Christian T Petersen, Anders M Petersen Manufacturer: Fantasy Flight Games Artist: John Kovalic Year: 2006 Players: 2 - 8 Time: 10 - 20 minutes Ages: 10 and up Description: Mag-Blast is a space-themed card game in which each player tries to blast the other players from the universe. Each player assumes command of a race of beings whose powers are signified by the Flag Ship card at the center of their battle formation. The Flag Ship is surrounded on four sides with attack ships from the Ship Yard, up to 3 ships per side. On your turn you discard cards, draw back up to five, call for reinforcing ships (by playing combinations of 3 cards), and then play as many attack and defense cards as possible. Once you blast away an opponent's outer ship protection, you may attack his Flag Ship, hopefully destroying it, and eliminating it from the game. In the third edition,  the unique "Make a Silly Noise or Miss!" Blast Targeting...
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Game Night – Lost Cities

Lost Cities Designer: Reiner Knizia Manufacturers: Rio Grande Games, Kosmos Year: 1999 Players: 2 Time: 20 - 40 minutes Ages: 10 and up Description: Lost Cities is a game of exploring ancient ruins and is one of the best two player games ever designed - one of Reiner Knizia's masterpieces. A game that has been played by thousands of couples, each player is attempting to play cards in sequences that will score many points for them. Each turn, players simply play or discard one card, then draw one card. Players attempt to wait as long as possible to play high cards for themselves and hold cards that their opponents want. It is the ultimate two player game and can be finished in less than thirty minutes. This addicting game is three rounds of card laying fun! My thoughts: Sometimes, David and I want to play a game, just the two of us. Lost Cities is perfect. It doesn't take too long and we're fairly even, unlike when we used to...
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Game Night- Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan Designer: Klaus Teuber Manufacturer: Mayfair Games Year originally published: 1995 Players: 3 - 4 Ages: 12 and up Description: In Settlers of Catan, players try to be the dominant force on the island of Catan by building settlements, cities, and roads. On each turn dice are rolled to determine what resources the island produces. Players collect these resources to build up their civilizations to get to 10 victory points and win the game. My thoughts: I'm amazed I haven't mentioned Settlers yet. It's a classic, well maybe not Scrabble classic, but a classic nonetheless. I actually won last weekend when we played, with 10 solid points, no longest road, largest army or victory point cards. I was pretty happy. In reality, I should be bad at this game. I'm not really good at cooperating with other players, and this game does encourage trading, especially how we play, but I manage, mostly because I try to only make trades that are advantageous to me. I rarely if ever...
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Game Night – Pirate’s Cove

Pirate's Cove Designers: Paul Randles, Daniel Stahl Manufacturer: Days of Wonder Artist: Julien Delval Year: 2003 Players: 3 - 5 Time: 60 - 90 minutes Ages: 8 and up Description: Come aboard and sail to Pirate's Cove... the legendary hideaway of thieving pirates and cutthroat buccaneers. The tales of those legendary pirates of old who've fought and survived these mysterious waters still haunt all those who yearn for a life at sea. Armed with a secret map and starting with a modestly outfitted sloop salvaged from last winter's storm, you set sail to Pirate's Cove -- your eyes filled with visions of treasure and fame, your lungs filled with the salty air of the High Seas. Your objective: to battle for the rights to plunder and become the most famed and feared Pirate the world has ever seen. To do so, you will need to navigate shrewdly, fight recklessly and pillage mercilessly. You will gain fame by winning battles; burying gold and treasure; and bragging about your exploits at the...
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