Game Night – Foosball

Isn't our new Foosball table wonderful? Our old one was getting kind of tired, and all the men were mismatched from being broken during play and replaced. Rob and Kerri (my brother and sister-in-law) got this one for us for Christmas. It's amazing how much use we get out of it. We probably play a few games at least twice a week, and it's great for adults and kids, at least the ones who are tall enough. Notice, Rob and David even attached a couple holders to the ends....
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Game Night – Orson Scott Card

The only book I've ever read by Orson Scott Card was Ender's Game, which I loved, but I was wandering around the internet the other day and ran across a quote from Hidden Empire. "Should I bring Ticket to Ride or have you finally bought the game?" asked Stevie. "Europe, America, German, Switzerland, Nordic countries, I think we have them all," said Cecily. "And nobody's lost any train cars or destination cards or anything?" "Lettie removed every destination card that leads to Duluth," said Cecily. "But if you bring your own set, she'll just remove them from yours during the game." (pg. 44) I think Lettie made a smart decision, personally. So, that led me to Card's website, Hatrac River. Turns out, Card is something of a game buff himself and has posted reviews of a lot of games, including some that we have enjoyed, like Small World and Scrabble. You can find his list of reviews that include games here. I also started wondering about other...
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Game Night – Kingsburg

Kingsburg Designer: Andrea Chiarvesio, Luca Iennaco Manufacturers: Fantasy Flight Games Artists: Mad4Gamestyle Year: 2008 Players: 2 - 5 Time: 90 minutes Ages: 10 and up David got this fantasy-themed game for Christmas and since then, we've played it several times. It takes place in the realm of Kingsburg, which is under attack! Invaders, dragons, zombies, demons, are gathering at the borders, aiming to invade and plunder the realm! The king has chosen governors (the players) to take charge of provinces: each will manage their province and help defend the realm. Governors must influence the King's Advisers and the Royal Family to obtain gold, wood, stones, and soldiers to expand and defend their lands. The goal ultimately, is to earn victory points by building buildings, influencing advisers and defeating the enemy. In the end, only one Governor will earn the King's rewards. The game is played in five years (rounds), each consisting of 3 productive seasons, spring, summer, and fall, and then the enemy attacks each winter. There...
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Game Night – Cir*Kis

Cir*Kis Manufacturer: Hasbro Year: 2009 Players: 2 - 4 Ages: 8 and up Amber (9) got Cir*Kis for Christmas and we've played it several times since then.  It's a great "abstract strategy" family game. Players take turns placing one of their nine differently-shaped pieces on the beveled game board next to the last piece played. You complete Circles and Stars to score points. First player to 40 wins. It's easy to learn, but the more often you play, the more strategy you can find. You can plan ahead on how to get points, even if others score too. You can block other players from placing a piece. If they don't have a piece they can play, they have to pass. We've played it with Amber (9) and adults, and she seems to be fairly even, with just as much chance of winning. It's also a pretty game, with the different colored tiles forming different patterns. I'd recommend it for families. I actually enjoy it more than...
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Game Night – Rum and Pirates

I may have mentioned before that my husband really likes pirates, is fascinated by them,w hich is why we have this game. Rum and Pirates Designer: Stefan Feld Manufacturers: Alea, Rio Grande Games Artists: Claus Stephan Year: 2006 Players: 2 - 5 Time: 60 - 75 minutes Ages: 9 and up The pirates are not on board ship; they're in town. Each player has his group of pirates and he moves them and the captain up and down the alleys looking for treasure maps or treasure chests, in addition to supplies. Sometimes there are fights with the guards and of course every pirate needs to stop by a pub or two.  At the end of the day, they head back to the ship and wrangle for the few sleeping places available there, which is why at our house the game is called Pirate Nap. Everything earns the player points, positive or negative. It's a fun, light game. The rules aren't difficult and it's easy to catch on to....
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Game Night – Bohnanza

Bohnanza Designers: Uwe Rosenberg Manufacturer: Rio Grande Games Artist: Bjorn Pertoft Year: 2000 Players: 2 -7 Time: 45 minutes Ages: 12 and up Who knew that being a bean farmer could be so much fun? The theme behind card game is that you're a farmer with a couple of fields that you plant beans in, trying to make as much money as possible in the process. An odd rule in this card game is that you can't change the order of the cards in your hand, you have to play them as your draw them, unless you make some good trades and deals. It's all about trading, which can be a little tough for me at times. I'm not real good at cooperation, which I may have mentioned before, and don't like helping people out if it's possible not to, meaning I don't win often. It is a fun game, though and the card illustrations are awesome. It's a great addition to game night, since...
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