
My tennis shoes and I have been getting to know each other a lot better lately. David and I have been heading out to the track every other day or so, walking and jogging. I hate it. Exercise is not something I enjoy, but I know it's good for me, so I'm trying. Happily, David's doing it with me. He actually has a goal - to be in good enough shape that softball doesn't kill him when it starts at the end of May. I'm proud of us. We've gone out five times so far, once when it was sprinkling a little. I'll tell you though, my legs were killing me yesterday when we were done. Eventually it'll get easier, right?...
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My daughter is a meat-lover through and through, and her favorite is bacon. I don't understand it myself. While I find bacon too salty and greasy, she would eat it every day. Sadly, in her opinion, I only buy it once in a great while, partly because I just don't think it's that healthy and partly because I may the grocery list, so usually it consists of mostly things I like. Bacon is one of the first foods she learned to cook herself  - the microwave makes it easy. And it's not just for breakfast. She also asks for those little round steaks wrapped in bacon, one of my least favorite meals. When we went to Packs and Dogs a while ago, she ordered a hot dog covered with bacon and devoured it. Potato soup apparently needs crumbled bacon on top, as do potato skins. For the record, though don't buy bacon-flavored microwave popcorn. Thanks to my brother she got three...
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I am so sad…

I missed the Peepster in Pittsburgh earlier today. I so would have taken the day off and headed up there. None of the other stops on the Random Act of Sweetness Tour are close enough for me. Peeps are one of my all-time favorite candies. It's the one thing David knows he has to put in my Easter basket. I'm hoping for chocolate-covered peeps this year, too. By the way, if anyone (David) want to buy me a shirt or something cute for the house, there's a shop....
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I'm sure I've mentioned before how much I love socks, particularly knee-highs, so I had to share a couple of things. Ode to My Socks Mara Mori brought me a pair of socks which she knitted herself with her sheepherder's hands, two socks as soft as rabbits. I slipped my feet into them as if they were two cases knitted with threads of twilight and goatskin, Violent socks, my feet were two fish made of wool, two long sharks sea blue, shot through by one golden thread, two immense blackbirds, two cannons, my feet were honored in this way by these heavenly socks. They were so handsome for the first time my feet seemed to me unacceptable like two decrepit firemen, firemen unworthy of that woven fire, of those glowing socks. Nevertheless, I resisted the sharp temptation to save them somewhere as schoolboys keep fireflies, as learned men collect sacred texts, I resisted the mad impulse to put them in a golden cage...
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