Review: The 17-Day Diet by Dr. Mike Moreno
Like many people, I could stand to lose more than a pound or two, so when The 17-Day Diet came out, I thought I'd give it a try.
The 17-Day Diet is set up in 4 cycles , each of which lasts 17 days. I'm still in the first cycle, Accelerate. It's designed to give you a quick start to losing weight. In theory, you can manage any plan for only 17 days, but I probably shouldn't have started it the week before Easter. It is a very easy to follow plan, but look at all those yummy Peeps and chocolate eggs and cherry pie. Back to the book. Basically, it gives you a list at the beginning of each cycle of the foods you can eat. The first cycle is mostly poultry, fish, a bunch of vegetables and some fruits. He also want you to drink green tea and eat two probiotic servings a day. Now I hate yogurt and...