The Justice of Kings by Richard Swan

The Justice of Kings by Richard Swan

The Justice of Kings is a compelling mix of fantasy, mystery and legal thriller. The novel follows Sir Konrad Vonvalt, an itinerant Justice of the Empire of the Wolf. His job, and life's purpose, is to fairly uphold the empire's laws and mete out justice as appropriate. He is accompanied by his taskman and friend, former soldier Dubine Bressinger, and his clerk, Helena Sedanka, a 19 year old woman who was essentially rescued by Vonvalt from a life on the streets. The three travel to Galen’s Vale where Vonvalt takes on an investigation into the murder of a noblewoman, but the case has Empire-wide ramifications. The story  is told through the first-person perspective of Helena. We’re hearing, since I listened to the audiobook, Helena’s recounting of the past, which worked well. It showed us Vonvalt's actions and his reasoning as he discusses things with Helena, but also lets us know that he's not infallible, that Helena can't always agree with him. Vonvalt protects...
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Ithaca by Claire North

Ithaca by Claire North

I have loved everything I've read by Claire North, so I'm not sure why it took me so long to pick up Ithaca. Maybe the mythology/ Ancient Greece setting just didn't grab my attention and seemed so different from the others I've read by North. But I ended up loving it. It has been seventeen years since Odysseus left to fight in the Trojan War, leaving Penelope and their son, Telemachus, behind in Ithaca. Penelope is left to fend for herself and her son and to run the kingdom with the help of her advisors, men who of course think they are both more competent and powerful than Penelope. They're wrong. Penelope is intelligent and cunning and she and her maids wield their power subtly and behind the scenes. Hera, goddess of women, marriage and childbirth, is our narrator and is perfect for the part. She's sarcastic and funny and allows us to see all that's going on, but from her own...
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A Canadian Werewolf in New York by Mark Leslie

A Canadian Werewolf in New York by Mark Leslie

A Canadian Werewolf in New York is a fun book. Michael Andrews is a best-selling author living in New York who is also a werewolf. He's just back from a night roaming the city as a wolf when his ex-girlfriend shows up at his apartment, asking him to help find out what her fiancé is involved in. Michael has heightened smell and strength, thanks to his wolf half, which is helpful when it comes to tracking down the fiancé and the bad guys he's dealing with. This is a light book - some adventure, some humor, some bad guys, a potential love interest that knows he's a werewolf and is okay with that. I was looking for a werewolf book that wasn't a romance or horror and maybe had a bit of a mystery. This was a perfect pick. ...
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In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones

In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones

I really wanted to like In the Wick of Time. it has so many good points - good setting, Christmas, quirky characters, even a bit of magic, but it was just lacking for me. Tabby and Sage are not women I want to hang out with. Well, Tabby maybe, at least she seem semi-sensible most of the time. Sage, however is selfish and whiny. The magic in this world was a little confusing. Tabby and Sage are energy users, I think, but other people cast spells and enchantments. Apparently the cops know magic exists, but Tabby's boyfriend doesn't - or maybe he does, I'm not sure. There was also one scene between an energy vampire and Sage that made me uncomfortable and wasn't really dealt with. The mystery itself was fine, even if the killer's motive was pretty weak. I don't think I'll pick up any more in the series. ...
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The Ghost Who Loved Diamonds by Bobbi Holmes

The Ghost Who Loved Diamonds by Bobbi Holmes

The Ghost Who Loved Diamonds is the second in the Haunting Danielle series. I did not read the first, but I felt the author did a fine job getting me up to speed. Danielle Boatman inherited Marlow House from her aunt and is planning on opening it as a B&B. The house is haunted by Walt Marlow, who is charming. I think his murder was solved in the first book. Danielle's annying cousin, Cheryl, has showed up and wants her half of the inheritance, especially the Thorndike necklace. This was a fun book. I liked Danielle and her friends, at least the ones who believe in her. Cheryl is a bit over the top, but it works for the story. The cops were less than competent, as in most cozies. The mystery moved along at a good pace, with several suspects and enough clues and red herrings. I was surpised by who the killer turned out to be. ...
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