Argyle Fox by Marie Letourneau

We woke up this morning to more snow and cold temperatures. Ohio's weather has been crazy lately. I swear it was almost 60 yesterday. I needed some spring and Argyle Fox provides just that. It's a windy spring day and Argyle Fox wants to play outside, but the wind ruins everything he tries to do, until he comes up with a solution. It's a fun cute book. I like the ingenuity it encourages. On the other hand, I don't think wind should really ruin playing pirate or knight and I don't think it was nice for the other woodland creatures to discourage his imaginative play. You don't need a cardboard castle to pretend to fight a dragon. Or a paper hat to be a pirate. And I'm pretty sure building a tower of cards outside is never a good idea. But, if the wind hadn't made him grumpy during his other games, he wouldn't have been able to figure out the perfect...
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Thursday’s Tale: The Little Mermaid by Metaphrog

I'm always a little worried about re-workings of The Little Mermaid. So many of us have seen the Disney version and expect the happy ending for the prince and the mermaid. Metaphrog isn't giving us a happy ending, they are sticking closer to the original by Hans Christian Andersen. Our Little Mermaid does fall in love with a human prince and does make a deal with a witch, but the witch is not scary. The Witch is helping and warning our mermaid, but the mermaid still wants to have legs and the witch obliges at the cost of the mermaid's voice. The mermaid does get to live in the prince's palace, but the prince marries someone else. In the end, the little mermaid jumps into the sea, dissolves into foam and will live forever in the water. It's a sad story really. Metaphrog does cut out the more religious aspects of the original, which should make it appeal to a larger audience....
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Good Morning, Superman! by Michael Dahl

Good Morning, Superman! is a really cute book. A little boy is getting ready for the day and everything he does is mirrored by something Superman does. For example, as the little boy gets dressed, Superman reveals his costume. The boy eats his breakfast, gathering his strength, as Superman flies above the buildings, getting ready to fight the bad guys. Even the boy's sister gets in on the act in her Supergirl costume, handing him his lunchbox, because helpers are super heroes too. The illustrations are bright and fun, just like the cover. It's a perfect book for any superhero lovingĀ pre-schooler. It may even help with the morning routine....
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In the Bag by Emery Harper

I didn't read the first in the series, but I picked up In the Bag based on the blurb. I like mysteries and this one soundedĀ fun. I chose well. The cast of characters is great. Celeste is the lead and is a blast. she's funny, caring, has a tendency to get herself into potential danger, but who can blame her? Her best friend's the main suspect in a murder investigation. Speaking of Levi, I like him. He's got his own troubles, but still has time to give out advice, for better or worse. Celeste's dad's in town and adds to the confusion. There's also a bookie whose interest in Celeste is obvious, and a little creepy. The plotline was good. There are enough suspects, but not too many. The clues tie together pretty well. For me though, the enjoyment was in the characters and the situations they get themselves into, no necessarily the whodunnit. I was not a big fan of Celeste's "relationship"...
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Two Days Gone by Randall Silvis

Two men - Huston and DeMarco. Huston is a writer, a family man, a celebrity, and from all indications, has gone off the deep end and killed his wife children. DeMarco is a semi-stereotypical cop, a loner, a wounded man, but a good guy. The two were maybe friends by now DeMarco's job is to find Huston, who is on the run, or not. It's a decent set-up. Huston's thoughts are rambling, he doesn't let us know what happened. DeMarco thinks Huston is probably innocent, but the majority of the book is about finding Huston, other suspects barely enter the picture until late. I struggled through this one. I didn't get a chance to care about Huston because you never really know him, you just know the him that is shattered by the murders of his family. DeMarco I could almost like, but it's not just his dark moods and drinking and stalking his ex, he's not really a good cop....
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Holiday with a Twist by Shannon Stacey

Holiday with a Twist is just a sweet, feel-good Christmas romance. It's light and fun and a perfect seasonal read for me. Leigh keeping her breakup and quitting her job a secret from her family is silly, but in all honesty I like when the "issue" between the two main characters in a romance isn't a big deal that takes a lot to overcome. Croy and Leigh were friends forever, even if they haven't talked to each other in years, and I like how they settle back in to the friendship. They're a good couple. They know each other well, good and bad, and still fall in love. This is a novella, so the attraction is almost instant and the relationship evolve quickly, but I bought it. Holiday with a Twist is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you're looking for with an HEA/HFN. It's a promise! Love that! I don't have to worry if it'll work...
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