Teaser from Holmes on the Range

There are two things you can’t escape out here in the West: dust and death. They sort of swirl together in the wind, and a fellow never knows when a fresh gust is going to blow one or the other right in his face. So while I’m yet a young man, I’ve already laid eyes on every manner of demise you could put a name to. I’ve seen folks drowned, shot, stabbed, starved, frozen, poisoned, hung, crushed, gored by steers, dragged by horses, bitten by snakes, and carried off by an assortment of illnesses with which I could fill the rest of this book and another besides. So it’s quite a compliment I bestow when I say that the remains we came across the day after the big storm were the most frightful I’d ever seen. (Tuesday Teaser from Holmes on the Range by Steve Hockensmith)...
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Teaser from Soul Surfer

I found that I was competing against the same kids as before, which was great, because we all got to know each other, and I made some great new friends. These contest, while competitive in the water, are actually fun, happy events where winning is secondary to enjoying the surf, the beach, and all the companionship. (Tuesday Teaser from pg. 43 of Soul Surfer by Bethany Hamilton)...
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Teaser from Breaking Up with God

I don't go to church, but I do go to the covered stalls of the farmers' market on Saturday mornings—wildflower honey, olive oil, butter lettuce, collard greens, arugula, Swiss chard, beets, snap peas, artichokes, fava beans, haricots verts, strawberries, peaches, oranges, orchids, ranunculus, butternut squash, avocados, heirloom tomatoes, lemons, lavender, basil, thyme—a place in which I can believe. I buy eggs from Varden, a farmer from Nipomo who wears overalls and shows me pictures of hens—my girls, he calls them—and they are not in cages. He talks about his girlfriend, lends me books about soil, makes compost tea, and asks, every week, What's for show and tell? (Tuesday Teaser from pg. 212 (ARC) of Breaking Up with God: A Love Story by Sarah Sentilles)...
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Teaser from The Hanging Wood

Her foot caught on a hook protruding from a lichen-smeared stone cheese press long ago abandoned in the grass, and she lost her balance for a second time. This time her ankle wrenched, and she sat down to massage the tender flesh. For an instant, she had an impression of a flash of light, as if the sun had glinted on a pair of field glasses. When she picked herself up, not a soul was to be seen. (Tuesday Teaser from 2% of The Hanging Wood by Martin Edwards)...
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Teaser from Have Gun, Will Play

I could see some of the stage men lying dead outside, and the outlaws were pretty much in charge, but they were nervous and sweating, probably because they had lost two of their guys and weren't sure how. I glanced over and saw Casey, just the edge of her, taking aim but not shooting, ready to do her job and maybe waiting for me to do mine. And it was my job to do the talking. Maybe that wasn't what she had in mind, but we were supposed to be the good guys. (Tuesday Teaser from 3% of Have Gun, Will Play by Camille LaGuire)...
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