Rehashing the Week

First a reminder, my giveaway for Montana Destiny by R. C. Ryan is still open. I didn't love it, but you might. Last week, I finished two books, both non-fiction surprisingly enough, and a short story. Johnny Appleseed by Jane Yolen- a kids book telling the true story behind the legend Proust's Overcoat by Lorenza Foschini - biography about a quirky bibliophile “The Adventure of the ‘Gloria Scott’” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - a Sherlock Holmes story This past weekend we celebrated the Fourth of July here. Firday I had to work, so David and Amber went fishing without me. They claim they caught 6 fish between them, but I'm not sure. Saturday we had a cookout at our house, then went over to the fireworks in Toronto, Ohio. For being a small town they have a nice display every year. Sunday we went up to Pittsburgh for the fireworks. We got there a little early, so we stopped for dinner at Packs and Dogs. I'm...
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“I don’t like you.”

This woman can do it all; she's a great wife, mother, she manages the house, she runs a business, she cooks, she sews—what she doesn't seem to do is get tired! She seems absolutely perfect. Maybe that's why my first response to reading about her was, "I don't like you." (pg. 55, The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer) Meyer is discussing the woman described in Proverbs 31,  a woman who I actually hadn't given much thought to before. I'm looking forward to reading the chapter about her. Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Play along. The rules are easy and I only cheated a little. Grab your current read, open to a random page, and give us two teaser sentences. Remember, no spoilers. [tweetmeme source=”carolsnotebook” only_single=false ‎] I won my copy and the above is my honest opinion. I am an Amazon associate....
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An Uncomfortable Bed by Guy de Maupassant

"An Uncomfortable Bed" by Guy de Maupassant I kind of promised myself that I would dedicate this morning and afternoon to cleaning - my house is a mess, and this evening we're going over to my mom's, so today's Short Story Monday is very short. I found "An Uncomfortable Bed" by Guy de Maupassant over at East of the Web. It's actually a somewhat amusing story, but not one I would say you have to go read. . A man is staying with several of his friends at a chateau. Now this man knows that his friends are found of practical jokes. When he arrives at the chateau, his friends greet him enthusiastically, are laughing too much at dinner. They are just too happy, which arouses the man's suspicions, he assumes they are planning some joke at his expense. The funny part is that he works himself up into such a state that through his own actions and an unfortunate coincidence, his friends...
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Game Night – Castle Panic

Castle Panic Designer: Justin De Witt Manufacturer: Fireside Games Artist: Justin De Witt Year: 2009 Players: 1 - 6 Time: 60 minutes Ages: 10 and up The forest is filled with all sorts of Monsters. They watched and waited as you built your Castle and trained your soldiers, but now they’ve gathered their army and are marching out of the woods. Can you work with your friends to defend your Castle against the horde, or will the Monsters tear down your Walls and destroy the precious Castle Towers? You will all win or lose together, but in the end only one player will be declared the Master Slayer! We played this last weekend and it's a fun, light cooperative game. All the players work together to save the castle. However, at the end, there can be only one master slayer, so for me at least, there's some conflicting emotions while playing. Yes, I want to help save the castle,...
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Johnny Appleseed by Jane Yolen

Johnny Appleseed by Jane Yolen, illustrated by Jim Burke (Suggested reading level: Grades 2-4) Today is usually Fairy Tale Friday, but Tif is taking the day off for the holiday with the discussion of Rainbow-Walker postponed until next week. Rainbow-Walker is the story of Johnny Appleseed, and I happened to run across this book at the library, so I thought I'd go ahead and talk about the real Johnny Appleseed today, saving the legend for next week. Yolen does a wonderful job of telling the true story of Johnny Appleseed, or John Chapman, who was born in Massachusetts in September of 1774.  I knew the story of Johnny Appleseed, that he was an actual man who did plant apple trees across the US, but that's really not the whole story. Johnny learned to read and write before, at age 14, he went to work for a local farmer, working in the fields and orchards. He takes off west in his early twenties. I didn't...
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