Photo credit (Looking at this photo, all I can imagine is how much it would hurt to step on theose little pieces in the middle of the night.) A is for A-Z April. That’s right, the challenge for this month is an alphabet theme. Each day, except Sundays, will focus on a letter of the alphabet. Tomorrow, for example, will be B is for Borneo Tom. It should be a fun month. I’ve got a couple of things planned, a giveaway or two, some reviews, my standard Thusday’s Tales, but they’ll still go along with the letter of the day. Some letters I have no idea for yet, though.
April’s just a lovely month overall. spring is officially here. The flowers are blooming, and I think we can start planting in the gardens. Easter’s next weekend, with and my husband’s birthday is the following.
And I can’t forget the 24- hour Readathon. Luckily, S is for Stay Awake.
This does sound like fun!!!
New look 🙂 Looks good
Hi. Thanks for visiting my post on Ann. April is autumn (fall) in Australia, usually a month of showers, but so far is absolutely delightful.
I like this post and I thank you for visiting mine today. Can’t wait to read more.
Love the layout! Now you’ve got me cringing at the thought of tiny plastic people attacking the soles of my feet…ouchy! Looking forward to reading your posts.
I like the idea of the A-Z Challenge. This is the first I’ve heard of it. 🙁 Looks like I still have a few hours to sign up and I’m leaning toward going for it… with my gardening blog. It can use some love and attention.
I really like your new template and layout. I’ve been thinking about switching mine, but after all the work I put into the one I have I hesitate to do it.
Sometimes I just feel the need for change. I’ve getting mixed reviews on the new look, though.
Good luck with this challenge, I’m looking forward to what you come up with for Q and Z as I always find these two difficult letters to work with.
Z is for Moose. Not sure about Q yet, but it does fall on a Thursday and lots of fairy tales have Queens.
I love April! Everything starts to come alive again and the birds are chirping…and summer is almost here. I love it!
Sounds like you will be having a lot of fun with this over the next month.
This sounds like fun 🙂