The temperature today was in the 50s, but it was so windy I couldn’t enjoy it.
Week’s Highlights:
I did a couple of fun things this week. My mom and I went to a craft night at church and I made this cute bunny. The lady who ran it made it practically fool-proof.
Saturday, I was on our church’s team at a trivia contest run by the local Kiwanis. It was a lot of fun. We came in 10th out of 21, which is pretty good I think. And people at our table won 4 of the Chinese auction prizes – not me though.
Again – I’m still plugging along on Don Quixote. I’m also in the middle of Murder by Matchlight by E.C.R. Lorac. Clearly neither of these is really grabbing my fancy.
I posted two reviews this week, both vintage mysteries:
We picked up three new board game this week.

They are all very different, but I enjoyed all of them. Santorini is best with two player. It’s almost like a super complex three-dimensional tic-tac-toe. It’s cool how much it actually looks like photos of Santorini, Greece. In Sagrada, you use dice to make a stained glass window. It’s really just a pretty game. Terraforming Mars is by far the toughest of them. It will take a few plays to get the rules down and start thinking about the best strategies.
Looking forward to:
The lady is coming Thursday to measure for our new carpet and tile. And we’re almost to where we can paint our walls.
Sounds like a fun week. You must have an amazing board game collection
We have a lot, and our friend probably has as many as we do.
I’m going to have to check out Francis Duncan. He looks interesting. And good luck with Don Quixote!
I’ve enjoyed Duncan’s Mordecai Tremaine series. I love that so many of these type of series are getting re-released.
Love your bunny. Growing up we played board games every Sunday at home. I miss those days. Hope you had a great week.