Thanks to Deb at Readerbuzz for hosting The Sunday Salon. Stop over there or at the Facebook Group to participate.
Week’s Highlight:
We went up to the lake with some friends for the weekend. We went over to the Conneaut Lake Pumpkin Fest on Saturday where we bought the dog a new scarf and ate a bunch of junk food. We spent the evenings sitting around the fire. Of course, we stopped to feed the fish at the spillway before we left.

I went to my first Silent Reading Club at a local bookstore. It was fun – and odd. I’ll probably go next month, maybe get there a little earlier and hang out a little longer afterward.
I posted two mystery reviews this week:
I also finished Double Indemnity by James M. Cain. I should have my comments up in a day or two.
Looking forward to:
Amber comes home next weekend for Fall Break. It will be nice to have her home for the week.
Wow. Lots of geese. My weekly update
I think there used to be more geese up there. It seems like every year there’s fewer.
Your weekend sounds fun! I want to know more about the Silent Reading Club.
The bookstore is also an ice cream place. I went, got a milkshake and then basically whoever is there reads for an hour. You can chat before and/or after, but that hour is quiet reading. They shut the store down, turned away people who ignore the sign and came in for ice cream anyway. So you can interact as much or as little as you want.
Sounds like a really good weekend. I’ve never heard of anything like The Silent Book Club before – very unique. You must be so excited to have Amber coming home!
It’ll be nice to have her home for the week. The shame is that between work and a couple of weddings we have to be at, we won’t really have time to do anything fun.
Cool book club. And what a great weekend!
It was nice. I’m glad the weather cooperated.
Wonderful pictures from your trip to the lake. I don’t think I have ever seen so many geese.
You must tell us about the Silent Book Club. Perhaps I shall look into that, too.
I bet you can’t wait for Fall Break. Enjoy your time with Amber!
I think they have Silent Book Clubs in lots of places. To be honest, they must for it to have made it to our corner of the world.
Bought the dog a new scarf!!!!! Love that.
He loves scarves and bandanas, anything that will get him more attention.
So cute!
OMG how cute of him!!!!