Thanks to Deb at Readerbuzz for hosting The Sunday Salon. Stop over there or at the Facebook Group to participate.

Week’s Highlight:

Our church had its celebration weekend for the opening of our new addition. There was a worship concert, a “revival” evening, and tonight was the Children and Youth Rally. David made the cross hanging on the wall.


I’m having trouble getting into Middlemarch. It’s just not holding my attention yet and I’m having trouble keeping track of who’s who, maybe because I’m listening to the audio rather than reading it in print.

Last week’s posts:


Yesterday was my 19th day in a row of getting all four circles on my fitbit: distance, calories burned, stairs, and active minutes. I’m pretty proud of myself.

Looking forward to:

Saturday we’re going to see the Cloak and Dagger On the Air show. It should be fun, and it doesn’t hurt that we won the tickets.


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