Thanks to Deb at Readerbuzz for hosting The Sunday Salon. Stop over there or at the Facebook Group to participate.
It’s been pretty quiet around here. Not much choice really.
Sad News:
Our bearded dragon, Scorch, died this week. We’ve had him for probably 10+ years.

Week’s Highlight:
David’s birthday was Monday. We ordered got carry-out Mexican and a Dairy Queen cake. Quieter than most birthdays but nice.
I’ve been loving Pittsburgh Public Theater’s PlayTime on-line reading series. This week it was A Doll’s House, which I had never seen (or read) before. Really wonderful. This Thursday and Friday will be The Mon Valley Medium, written and performed by Alec Silberblatt. The series has become a highlight of my week.
I’ve had lots of time to read, both at home and at work. I started listening to Dune this weekend. I tried reading it a year or two ago, but set it aside. So far, the audio is really good.
Last week’s post:
- A Thoughtful Woman by K.T. Findlay
- A Little Night Murder by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards
- The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky
The Classics Club is holding it’s 23rd spin. My goal is to read The Red House Mystery by A.A. Milne by June 1.
Dewey’s 24-hr Readathon takes place next Saturday, April 25. I doubt I’ll stay up for all 24 hours, but who knows. I don’t have to get up for church on Sunday, so there’s that.
I’m so sad that they took Father Brown off Netflix. It’s now on Brit Box. Does anyone have that? Is it worth it?
Of course, we’ve been playing board games. We picked up the Prelude expansion to Terraforming Mars. We’ll probably play with it most everytime we play that games. It just kind of gives you a kickstart, without change the game itself too much.
Looking forward to:
Staying home. Washing my hands. Not touching my face. Maybe picking up some ice cream. Our best local ice cream shop has re-opened with curbside pickup.
I’m sorry to read about Scorch. Happy birthday to David!
Thank you!
He had a nice day. I’m glad I hadn’t ordered tickets for anything though.
So sorry for your loss of Scorch. Hugs to you!
Thank you!
I’m so sorry to hear about Scorch. Sending hugs. <3
Thank you!
Sorry to hear about Scorch.
Thank you!
I had a bearded dragon at my school library named Spike. He was a calm and peaceful presence in my library. I know you will miss Scorch.
A weekly Pittsburgh Public Theater Play-Time sounds very nice. In the last week I’ve felt closed in. I didn’t join in the Classics Club spin. I am not sure if I will join in the readathon. I’ve had a cough and I didn’t feel well. I think (hope?) I’m starting to get a little better.
I hope you feel better soon!