End of the Reign
My husband has missed my flash fiction posts and so have I honestly, so I'm going to try to start writing them again. The image below is from Full HD Wallpapers Blog.
The young woman stared out the window, her grey eyes reflecting the storm clouds just beginning to part. She watched the ships glide gracefully across the chasm, the faithful arriving. The snakes, too, she thought, well aware that the death of the Empress would attract the devoted, the hopeful, the angry, the lunatics, and the powerful in equal and often interchangeable numbers. Roxane's rule had been long and, at times, bloody. Few loved her, but all had respected her.
Tomorrow's funeral would be a pompous affair with the Bishop would intoning the traditional service in front of the elect, the royal families, the upper echelon of the governement. Hours of sitting on the hard pew, standing, kneeling on the marble floor. Somber. And each of the attendees, with eyes focussed on the satin...