Top Ten Things that Make My Life as a Blogger Easier
Top Ten Things that Make My Life as a Blogger Easier
My husband - He may not be a reader, but he encourages my blogging and pretends to be interested when I change my template or something
Goodreads - Not only does it have blurbs, it also lets me keep track of my lists of books to read, books I've read, books I've received last month
FictFact - Keeps track of my series, where I'm at, which ones I've read
Google Calendar - for specific tour dates/guest posts/giveawas
NetGalley - A great source for e-ARCs
Audiobook Jukebox - Great for audiobook lovers
Library - Who doesn't love the library?
Bloglovin'/Twitter/Facebook - All ways I keep up with other folks. I love the community part of blogging.
Coffee and chocolate - They make life in general easier, so that counts, right?
Good books
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish....