Top Ten Characters (and Literary Figures) That I’d Name My Children After

Top Ten Characters (and Literary Figures) That I’d Name My Children After

Today's Top Ten, hosted at The Broke and the Bookish, is a rewind. It's a chance to go back and pick a topic that's already been done. I chose the Top Ten Chracters (and Literary Figures) That I'd Name My Children After.  There is actually a reason this topic caught my eye. While I won't be having any more children, I do know several people who are pregnant, including both of my sisters-in-law, so baby names have been being tossed around a little. Top Ten Characters (and Literary Figures) That I'd Name My Children After Agatha - Based on two women, Agatha Christie, one of my favorite authors, and Agatha Troy from Ngaio Marsh's series. It's slightly old-fashioned, but to me denotes creativity and a willingness to step outside of the expected. Edmund - The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my all time favorite books, and Edmund Dumas has to be one of the great characters in literature. Claudia - Remember From the...
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Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Confessions

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Confessions

I have a confession to make, several confessions actually, all book-related. So, here's the deal: I'll tell my deep, dark bookish secrets if you tell me yours. I peek ahead at the end. Peek might not be the right word as it implies a quick look, and what I do is not quick at all. I'll read the entire last chapter, maybe two or three. Not in every book, but fairly often, especially when I've become emotionally attached to the characters and just have to know how it turns out for them or if they're even still alive at the end. The wait to get to there can just be too long and tension-filled. And in mysteries sometimes I just have to know who the killer is, make sure it's not a character I really like. E-books and audios make this tough though. I dog-ear book pages. I can't help it. I'm just horrible about haveing bookmarks on hand, so the top corner...
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Teaser from Holmes on the Range

There are two things you can’t escape out here in the West: dust and death. They sort of swirl together in the wind, and a fellow never knows when a fresh gust is going to blow one or the other right in his face. So while I’m yet a young man, I’ve already laid eyes on every manner of demise you could put a name to. I’ve seen folks drowned, shot, stabbed, starved, frozen, poisoned, hung, crushed, gored by steers, dragged by horses, bitten by snakes, and carried off by an assortment of illnesses with which I could fill the rest of this book and another besides. So it’s quite a compliment I bestow when I say that the remains we came across the day after the big storm were the most frightful I’d ever seen. (Tuesday Teaser from Holmes on the Range by Steve Hockensmith)...
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Christmas Questions

I found these questions over at The Glamorous Life of a Housewife and thought they were fun. 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both. I love wrapping paper and bows, but sometimes I get lazy and go for the bags. Of course, Amber says that bags are the best ones to pick at gift exchanges, that they usually have the best stuff. 2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. I just sneeze too much around real trees. And artificial trees are more convenient and less messy. 3. When do you put up the tree? The weekend after Thanksgiving. 4. When do you take the tree down? It'll probably be January 2 this year. 5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, it's absolutely delicious. Of course, my husband and daughter don't drink it, so I buy the stuff in the carton even though it's not as good as homemade. 6. Favorite gift received as a child? My Cabbage Patch Doll 7. Hardest person to buy...
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If I was... a month I'd be December a day of the week I'd be Wednesday a time of the day I'd be mid-afternoon If I was... a sea animal I'd be an otter a direction I'd be South a piece of furniture I'd be a big comfy armchair a liquid I'd be hot chocolate If I was... a gemstone I'd be a sapphire a tree I'd be an oak a tool I'd be a hammer a kind of weather I'd be sunny If I was... a musical instrument I'd be a piano a color I'd be purple an emotion I'd be content a fruit I'd be an apple If I was... a food I'd be spaghetti a material I'd be wool a scent I'd be peppermint a flavor I'd be banana If I was... a sound I'd be a chuckle an element I'd be earth a mammal I'd be a fox a phase of the moon I'd be a crescent If I was... a berry I'd be a blackberry a bird I'd be a red-winged blackbird a book I'd be My Many Colored Days a place I'd be home I stole this from...
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