Teaser Tuesday

Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page. Share with us two (2) "teaser" sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12. You also need to share the title of the book that you're getting your "teaser" from...that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you've given. Please avoid spoilers! My teaser: One day a group of my fellow campers threw a knife at a stunned bullfrog in the middle of the main path while counselors walked by, unmoved, the knife edging closer and closer until one camper stuck the knife in the bullfrog's back and its heart seemed to jump out of its mouth. That was camp play. -pg. 62, Do-Over! by Robin Hemley (ARC) Tuesday Teaser is hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Play along....
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Musing Monday

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about re-reading… Have you ever finished a book, then turned around and immediately re-read it? Why? What book(s)? (question courtesy of MizB) No, I haven't. At least not that I can recall. I'm not much of a re-reader in general. There are just so many books out there to read, I tend to move onto new ones. There are some exceptions. I've re-read several Agatha Christie books over the years and I will read things with my daughter that I read when I was young, like Alice in Wonderland, Pippi Longstocking and Nancy Drew. Of course, when she was younger, like most kids, she wanted us to read her the same book over and over and over and over.  We knew a couple of Dr. Seuss ones by heart....
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Mailbox Monday

Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page. My mailbox was busy this week. A couple even came that are perfect for Amber. I have to admit doing some shopping this week too, which I talked about here. These are ones I won. Lucky Breaks by Susan Patron (Thanks, J. Kaye!) Penny & Rio: The Mysterious Backyard Meeting by Jennifer Swanson (Thanks, Bev!) Pushing Up Bluebonnets by Leann Sweeney (Thanks to Lori's Reading Corner.) Highland Guardian by Melissa Mayhue (Thanks to Yankee Romance Reviewers.) The Mechanics of Falling and Other Stories by Catherine Brady (Thanks, Serena!) Exit Music by Ian Rankin (Won in a contest on Twitter.) Casting Spells by Barbara Bretton (Thanks, Roxanne!) Just Desserts by Barbara Bretton (Thanks, Roxanne!)   I also received a couple of other packages. Perfection by Julie Metz Don't Call Me a Crook by Bob Moore The Mating Rituals of the North American WASP by Lauren Lipton   Amber and I stopped at the library after school on Thursday and checked out a few things. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath The Case...
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Wondrous Words Wednesday

I'm sorry I'm a day late on this, but I do have a few new to me words to share.These are all from Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter, which I'm still working my way through. The essays, meditations and poems give you a lot to reflect on.   clamant: 1. clamorous; loud. 2. demanding attention; pressing. His own despair at the prospect of the obliteration of his clamant ego... (pg. 282, "Impending Resurrection" by Malcolm Muggeridge) chiaroscuro- the use of deep variations in and subtle gradations of light and shade, esp. to enhance the delineation of character and for general dramatic effect the one that I would choose to paint this scene is Rembrandt. I would want it done in chiaroscuro, in terms of light and shade... (pg. 287, "The End Is Life" by Frederick Buechner) The following are from a poem, "The Everlasting Mercy" by John Masefield. coulter- a sharp blade or wheel attached to the beam of a plough, used to cut the ground...
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The Man’s Book by Thomas Fink with Giveaway

The Man's Book: The Essential Guide for the Modern Man by Thomas Fink Description: Being modern and manly in today's world isn't always easy. Do you know how to tie a bow-tie, mix a martini, or make a potato gun? Do you know when to get married and how to break up, or the difference between a bock beer and a bitter? Do you know which urinal to choose or how to start a fire with a Coke can? The answers to every man's burning questions are within these pages, from the morning wet shave to the whiskey night-cap, from hunting deer with a .30-06 to wooing women like 007. At a time when the sexes are muddled and masculinity is marginalized, The Man's Book unabashedly celebrates maleness. Organized by subject in a man-logical way, it's the go-to guide for anyone with a Y chromosome. My thoughts: My husband is planning on reading through this, but hasn't gotten around to it yet. I'll share his thoughts once he...
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Teaser Tuesday

Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page. Share with us two (2) "teaser" sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12. You also need to share the title of the book that you're getting your "teaser" from...that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you've given. Please avoid spoilers! My teaser: He's about an inch taller than I, with lanky, muscular arms and a scrawny chest. His mouth is smiling, but it seem separated from his eyes somehow, which are watching me like the eyes of an animal uncertain whether to fight or flee. -pg. 340, Turning Angel by Greg Iles Tuesday Teaser is hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Play along....
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