MBA in a Book Giveaway

MBA in a Book: Fundamental Principles of Business, Sales, and Leadership edited by Leslie Pockell and Adrienne Avila Description: MBA in a Book offers the kind of information graduates of MBA programs ought to have, but usually gain only after years of hard-won experience. This volume contains essential advice about the fundamentals of business, sales, and leadership from some of history's most influential thinkers and doers: entepreneurs, executives, scholars, statesmen, and philosophers. The business principles section includes wisdom about the fundamentals of business practice and theory and important advice on investment, leadership, management, marketing, and success. The following section includes observations and insights that offer useful sales advice and ingenious techniques. Readers will discover gems of wisdom that address both the daily practicalities and the grand ideals of leadership in the final section. Updated with a new introduction, this valuable collection will provide readers with the keys to mastering timeless and essential business skills. MBA in a Book will inspire, guide, and support anyone...
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Wicked Widow

Wicked Widow by Amanda Quick Description: Award-winning author Amanda Quick weaves a tale of a man and a woman who understand just what it means to be haunted. Artemis Hunt, the mysterious master of a secret society, has been obsessed by the knowledge that he was unable to protect his mistress from a brutal death, and has spent the last five years plotting her revenge. Madeline Reed Deveridge, known as the infamous Wicked Widow by polite society, is rumored to have murdered her husband. But now Madeline is afraid that her dead spouse has returned from beyond the grave to terrorize her. In fear for her life and that of her beloved aunt, Madeline blackmails Artemis into aiding her by threatening to expose his ownership of the Dream Pavilions, London's premier pleasure garden--an association, if revealed, that would destroy his reputation and put his long-held plans of vengeance at serious risk. The two are drawn together at first by necessity, but Artemis...
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Tuesday Teaser

TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to: Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page. Share with us two "teaser" sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12. You also need to share the title of the book that you're getting your "teaser" from...that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given! Pease avoid spoilers! My teaser: It was an obvious solution. After all, the unicorn had been ambling hugely behind them for most of the morning, occassionally nudging the star's shoulder with its big forehead. -pg. 170, Stardust by Neil Gaiman Check out some other teasers and see what grabs you....
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Musing Monday

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about boys and reading…  When reading do you read every word? Do you ever skip chapters or skim over parts?     It does depend on the book, but I’m horrible about skipping ahead and reading the ending or a portion of the book that’s ahead of where I am. I usually go back, though, and read the parts I missed, but sometimes I skim through them, since I already have a pretty good idea of what is happening. Some book are just overly-wordy, too, and I find myself skimming through paragraphs or, occasionally, even pages. I don’t know why this questions is about “boys and reading,” but my husband always complains when I read the ending early. I don’t know why he cares; it’s not like he reads the same books I do or anything. Head over to Just one more page… to share your thoughts.  ...
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Game Night

Rat-a-Tat Cat designed by Ann and Monty Stambler, published by Gamewright Description: A game of suspense, strategy, and anticipation. Get rid of the rats and go for the cats! Sneak a peek, draw two, or swap cards for an added twist.  In Rat-a-Tat Cat, less is always better, and you want to go out with the lowest score. Can you remember the numbers on the other players' cards? Can you keep a poker face, but notice when another player looks pleased? Sharpen your memory and your timing, and have fun with the cool cats and bad rats of Rat-a-Tat Cat.   My thoughts: This is a great family game, recommended for ages 6 and up. Basically at the beginning, each player is dealt four face-down cards. You can only look at two of them though. By drawing and replacing the cards, swapping, and peeking, each player tries to get the lowest score they can. When someone calls Rat-a-Tat Cat at the end of their turn, each...
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My Goodness: My Kids

My Goodness: My Kids by Nesta A. Aharoni published: April 1, 2008 by Grassroots Publishing Group, Inc. From back: Raise good kids and save the world! Kids who are raised to be good—above and beyond any other characteristic—mature into adults who display honor and integrity in their daily lives. Children who value goodness don't cheat on a test to get into the college of their choice. They don't steal candy from the grocery or grow into adults who steal office supplies from the workplace. They treat others with respect and kindness, and they don't hurt innocent people through violence, manipulation, or cruelty. My thoughts: Aharoni doesn't claim to be an expert on child-rearing, but she is a mom who raised three kids, devoping ideas and strategies along the way. The book is divided into 30 chapters, each dealing with some aspect of raising children, like punishment, food and friends. These chapters have good solid advice in them and would definitely be helpful to people trying...
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