Sunday Salon – 3/24

Sunday Salon – 3/24

We had lunch today with David's parents and grandmother and dinner at my mom's house. Everybody wants to see Amber while she's home. Week’s Highlights: Amber's home for the week. Scrappy actually knows when we're close to get dorm now. Something I'm Loving: Maple Holistics sent me a bottle of their Silk18 Conditioner to try. I am always looking for a good conditioner. My hair is frizzy and uncombable without one. I have to say, I'm really happy with it. It's creamy and really does work. My hair is soft and even though I need a cut, I'm not pulling it back in a ponytail every day - a definite good sign. It's also silicone and paraben free. If you've ever wondered why that matters, check out this blog post: Damaged Hair Explained. Reading: So, I finally set aside Don Quixote. I just wasn't enjoying it enough to put off reading other books. I was over halfway through, so it made me a...
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Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon

We just got back from dinner at David's parents' house. We took over baked rigatoni and hung out with them and his grandma for a while. Week’s Highlights: Yesterday we went to my brother's to celebrate there of their kids' birthdays. We had a fun afternoon. Their kids are adorable. Reading: I've been reading Murder on Pointe by C. S. McDonald. It's set in Pittsburgh, with the murder happening after a performance at the Benedum. I always enjoy reading books set in places I know. Playing: We played Sagrada again this week and Lords of Waterdeep, which might be one of my favorites worker placement games. Looking forward to: We're picking Amber up for Sping break on Saturday. It will be nice having her home for the week. This is the project she just finished for her icon painting class:...
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Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon

The temperature today was in the 50s, but it was so windy I couldn't enjoy it. Week’s Highlights: I did a couple of fun things this week. My mom and I went to a craft night at church and I made this cute bunny. The lady who ran it made it practically fool-proof. Saturday, I was on our church's team at a trivia contest run by the local Kiwanis. It was a lot of fun. We came in 10th out of 21, which is pretty good I think. And people at our table won 4 of the Chinese auction prizes - not me though. Reading: Again - I’m still plugging along on Don Quixote. I’m also in the middle of Murder by Matchlight by E.C.R. Lorac. Clearly neither of these is really grabbing my fancy. I posted two reviews this week, both vintage mysteries: Swing, Brother, Swing by Ngaio MarshSo Pretty a Problem by Francis Duncan Playing: We picked up three new board game this week. They are...
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Sunday Salon – 3/3

Sunday Salon – 3/3

Yes, it's Monday, but we got home late last night. Week’s Highlight: We saw The Phantom of the Opera at the Benedum yesterday evening. I've never seen the show, although I did listen to the book a couple of years ago. I knew a lot of the music, of course, it's hard not to. The show was gorgeous, and I really enjoyed it. The masquerade. Photo from Watching: Nothing really. What shows do you recommend? Something my husband and I might both enjoy? Reading: I'm still plugging along on Don Quixote. I'm also in the middle of Murder by Matchlight by E.C.R. Lorac I posted one review this week: The Library Book by Susan Orlean Playing: On Friday we played Dominion: Renaissance a couple of times. We also pulled out Hanabi, which we hadn't played for a while. Hanabi—named for the Japanese word for "fireworks"—is a cooperative game where you're trying to create the perfect fireworks show by placing the cards on the table in the right...
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Sunday Salon – 2/24

Sunday Salon – 2/24

I looked back to see what books I was reading 10 years ago. One of the books I read was outstanding, most were unmemorable. The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent - I don't remember this one at all, but I gave it 4 stars at the time.The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson was fantastic. It's interesting that we actually watched the most recent Lisbeth Salander movie last week.Too Tall Alice by Barbara Worton - I don't remember reading this one with Amber at all. And I'm not sure why I would have read a book about being too tall, that's one thing neither Amber nor I have ever worried about.A Killer Collection by J. B. Stanley - This looks like it was a cozy mystery. I don't remember it, but that's really no surprise, cozy mysteries can blend together, especially when you've only read one in a series.Eve of the Emperor Penguin by Mary Pope Osborne - We...
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Sunday Salon – 2/17

Sunday Salon – 2/17

Week’s Highlight: It's not much of a highlight, but it took most of Saturday and Sunday afternoon. I organized our board games and set aside two piles, one to take to my mom's and one to donate. Celebrating: Thursday was Valentine's Day. We stayed home and had my favorite pizza for dinner and played a board game. We did go out for dinner on Friday to my favorite Italian place. Watching: We watched The Girl in the Spider's Web on demand last night. It was fine. Lisbeth Salander is tasked by a former NSA employee to find his highly dangerous program, Firewall. It gives its user access to all of the world's nuclear codes, and Balder is worried about that power falling into the wrong hands. Lisbeth downloads Firewall by hacking into the NSA's servers and plans on giving it back to Balder, so he can destroy it. Of course, it all runs amok. It's dark and cold. I enjoyed it, but didn't love...
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