Sunday Salon – 2/10
It's snowing again this evening. I'll be so happy when Spring comes and stays.
Week's Highlight:
Saturday was our high school's Solo and Ensemble. Of the 8 kids I accompanied, 6 got 1s, which is pretty great. I had a break in the middle of the day and David and I went to lunch at the Breakfast Club. I had delicious Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly French toast that was delicious!
We've been watching The ABC Murders on Amazon Prime Video. I don't love it, but we've only got one episode left.
I was reading a chapter a day in Don Quixote, but the last couple chapters have been sooooo long. I'm also currently in the middle of The Stranger Diaries on my Kindles and The World Beneath on audio.
I posted a couple reviews this week:
Voice of the Violin by Andrea CamilleriThe 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart TurtonMurder at Larkfield Barn by Betty Rowlands
Looking forward to:
Valentine's Day is this week. I...