Health-Related Web Sites

As I'll mention in my next post, I need to come up with a new plan, now that the run is over, so of course I turn to the internet. I'd like my goals to focus both on fitness and healthy-eating. In case you haven't noticed, the Internet has tons sites designed to promote a healthy lifestyle. Some are just trying to sell things but a lot have are excellent sources of valuable information. Some sites, such as Blender Babes, are one-stop centers of health-related information presented in an appealing and engaging manner. The topics typically found in these health-related sites vary and are trending; moreover, they are guaranteed to result in frequent return visits by web users. Some topics may include such things as recipes, which are my favorite, video presentations and tutorials, 101 advice tips on healthy living, exercise routines and products reviews on new and/or refurbished products. Actually, these kinds of outstanding sites have something for everyone. Health-Conscious Recipes Detox smoothies, banana smoothies and the...
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Readers’ Workouts 12/2/2014

Last week was Thanksgiving - lots of food, family, friends and little exercise. Actually, that's not entirely true. My brother was in town and he's good at getting me motivated. Saturday we went for a run together - he had to run way slower than he usually does, but he didn't complain. We ended up going 7.44 miles at just under 12 mins/mile, according to his gizmo, which is the farthest I've run. It goes a little quicker when you have company, I think, but that's not usually an option for me. My friends don't run and I'm not good at making new friends. Sunday I worked out with dumbbells at home and did some jumping jacks. Monday I did nothing  - because I picked up my new car!! I know it's not workout related, but I wanted to share anyway. I am so happy. This one's windows will actually go up and down, the exhaust system doesn't sound like a truck and...
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Readers’ Workouts – 11/18/2014

I went to the gym on Thursday. I did the stair climber for a while and then some arm and ab machines. I didn't work too hard because I had to go to a meeting immediately afterward and didn't want to stink too much. My birthday was this past weekend and I admit I ate a lot and didn't exercise much. But I got a couple of great fitnessy presents. The shoes I already had, but the gym bag and towel are from David and Amber. I love the colors. They also got me a new pair of headphones, but they're not in the picture because I was wearing them. My in-laws got me the gift card, which I think I'm going to put toward a new running jacket. The zipper on mine is broken. Readers' Workouts is hosted by Joy's Book Blog. Thanks, Joy, for keeping me accountable. 133.5 - Aug 12, 132.5 - Aug 19, 134 - Aug 26, 132.5 - Sept 9, 131-...
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Readers’ Workouts – 11/12/14

I usually try to keep a daily log, which I failed to do this week. I know I went to the gym on Thursday and did the elliptical and some ab work. I took the dog for a few walks. We brought in the outside furniture on Sunday. Yesterday I went to the gym in the evening while Amber was at band. I did 35 minutes on the stair climber machine and man, that thing's tough. I was dripping by the end. It said I went up like 75 stories, which I think is probably an exaggeration. Then I did some of the arm machines. It was a good evening. I know I feel better when I exercise more and eat better - so why don't I do it consistently? Readers' Workouts is hosted by Joy's Book Blog. Thanks, Joy, for keeping me accountable. 133.5 - Aug 12, 132.5 - Aug 19, 134 - Aug 26, 132.5 - Sept 9, 131- Oct 1,...
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Reader’s Workouts – 11/04/2014

Tuesday, I took the dog for a mile walk, but missed out on my run. We carved pumpkins instead - family time beats exercise. Wednesday, I didn't do anything, I was feeling a little miserable - stuffy nose, itchy eyes, a bit of a cough. Thursday was trick-or-treat around here and David and Amber went to a hockey game, leaving me all alone - to watch a Miss Marple mystery after all the little ghouls were gone. Let's just skip ahead to Sunday. We went bowling for two hours, which I think might count as exercise, maybe. Monday and Tuesday I took the dog for mile walks. Tuesday evening I headed for the gym - 3.25 miles on the elliptical and then some ab machines Not a great week, but better than most lately. Readers' Workouts is hosted by Joy's Book Blog. Thanks, Joy, for keeping me accountable. 133.5 - Aug 12, 132.5 - Aug 19, 134 - Aug 26, 132.5 - Sept 9, 131- Oct 1,...
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Reader’s Workouts – 10/28/2014

Okay - time for a reboot. I have been pretty lousy at exercising and eating right lately. Part of it is that I haven't had a goal, part is that we've been busy, and last week we went on a mini-vacation which meant lots of food and very little exercise. All excuses, I know, and I could still have easily fit in some walking or a few miles of running, but I didn't. So it's time to get back on a track. Here's the plan I've been using and I like it. I'm going to pick back up on week 11, hopefully. We'll see how I feel this evening when I head out. At least it's a nice day to run outside. Long runs are so hard on the treadmill. Food is just as important as exercise, so I need to come up with a plan. Tuesday - shrimp with peppers and spinach. Wednesday - Fall Festival at church, so hot dogs and nachos....
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