October was a really good month, reading-wise and just all-around. I read or listened to 25 books. A couple of the reviews aren’t up yet, but will be this week.
- Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
- The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
- The Lost Years of Merlin by T. A. Barron
- Penny and Rio: The Locked Dog House Mystery by Jennifer Swanson
- Charlie and Mama Kyna by Diana Rumjahn
- Sex, Drugs & Gefilte Fish edited by Shana Liebman
- Queen Vernita Visits the Blue Ice Mountains by Dawn Menge
- Poetry for Young People: Edgar Allan Poe edited by Brod Bagert
- Briar Rose by Jane Yolen
- The Weeping Werewolf by Bruce Coville (audibook)
- Ansel Adams in Color edited by Harry M. Callahan
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
- Permission Slips by Sherri Shepherd
- Runaway Mummy by Michael Rex
- Flesh and Fire by Laura Anne Gilman
- The Guns of Avalon by Roger Zelazny
- The Frandidate by Jim Benton
- Zathura by Chris Van Allsburg
- Frantastic Voyage by Jim Benton
- ShapeShifter: The Demo Tapes Year 1 by Susan Helene Gottfried
- The 13 Days of Halloween by Carol Greene
- Scooby-Doo! and the Halloween Hotel Haunt by Jesse Leon McCann
- Angels by Chuck Fischer
- The Music Teacher from the Black Lagoon by Mike Thaler
- The Widow’s Broom by Chris Van Allsburg
I read 3 during the Read-a-thon, which was a blast by the way. I’m already looking forward to spring’s.
I think my favorite for the month was actually The Widow’s Broom, which I should have a review of today or tomorrow. My most disappointing was The Shadow of the Wind, I think in part because my expectations were so high.
I made some progress on my challenges and joined two more.
Operation Actually Read Bible- I read Matthew and Psalms 1-30 (NIV)
100+ – I’m at 122
What’s in a Name? – 5/6
A-Z – 42/52
Chunkster – Completed
RIP – Completed
Wilkie Collins – 0/2
Shelf Discovery – Started November 1
At home, it was a fun month. The first week-end, one of Amber’s friends came for a sleep-over. We went up to the lake with some friends and family the next weekend and did all the fall things, a Pumpkin Festival, a corn maze and hayride, and sat around a campfire. Our anniversary was this month, and I actually posted a picture of me, even if it was from ten years ago. Of course, Halloween was this past weekend. We decorated our house, made jack-o-lanterns and I took Amber trick-treating. My brother and his wife went with us, which was nice.
How was your October?
Wow, what a list! I’ve got Shadow of the Wind on my shelf to read in a month or two with a group. I’ve tried to not read reviews but I’ve seen some glowing and some not-so-glowing reviews for it. Not sure what to expect but I’ll give it a good try. Your wrap-up photo looks like a tree in my yard. Love it! I’ll bet Amber had fun trick or treating : )
25 books – that’s wonderful!
25 books?! That’s fabulous! I’m totally impressed. I love the list as well. You did really, really well.
Great job reading this month. I am super impressed. Happy belated anniversary as well.
Very good month for you 😀
The tree in the wrap-up photo actually is the one in our front yard. Most of the leaves are down now, though.
Your brother sounds like a really super-nice guy. Going trick or treating with him and his wife must have been a blast. I think your brother is totally rad, dude!
*Geez, I hope nobody figures out who this is 🙂
Great pic! She’s a cutie! Congrats on an awesome month!